Thursday, February 2, 2012

Feeling a little guilty...

I had bootcamp tonight and it was a good one, so I am feeling a little less guilty now, but I skipped Pilates last night (and any additional run I might have been planning on doing).  All day today I felt a little bit like a lazy bum.  It's weird how that is, since the hubs has been on a business trip since yesterday morning, so I've been non-stop with the kids for the last almost 48 hours - probably the farthest thing from a lazy bum I could be, but I still beat myself up all day for having skipped my workout yesterday.  At least I skipped because the kids and I were having fun visiting friends!

Hotel is all booked for the marathon!  Very psyched!  Now if Komen could just stop causing controversy, so I could get back to soliciting donations without feeling icky about it (at least more icky than soliciting donations makes me feel just by default anyway!) I would be even more enthusiastic right now.

Still hoping the weather is nice enough this weekend to try my new running route though!

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